Monday, September 9, 2013

Review: Awaken


Abandon Trilogy #3

by: Meg Cabot

Should you read this book? 

Answer: YES! 


Here's why:

What a great conclusion to the Abandon trilogy! In usual Meg Cabot style, this book did not disappoint. The conclusion of the Pierce/John saga kept me at the edge of my seat until the very last chapter. Meg Cabot further develops Pierce and John's relationship in a realistic way. Despite the supernatural/Greek mythology overtones, Pierce and John have a realistic teenage relationship. They both struggle with their emotions while figuring out how to love each other. Not only does Cabot do an amazing job of developing Pierce and John further, she also keeps advancing the auxiliary characters of Kayla/Frank, Mr. Smith, etc. while also introducing new characters Reid, Chloe, etc. to keep the story fresh.

Meg Cabot does an amazing job keeping the story moving, making it almost impossible to put the novel down (I advocate still sleeping and eating). Pierce really comes into her own in this novel as a heroine, one that does not need the hero to get the job done. This is a positive message I always appreciate from a novel. Woman don't always need the man to rescue them, they can rescue themselves!

The Abandon trilogy is  a MUCH better option to the Twilight Series. The characters are dynamic, the heroine has her own personality without the hero, and to top it all off ... it is well written. (Note: I have read and enjoyed all the Twilight books, but let's be realistic people, the writing was not the best.)

As a caveat, I suggest reading the trilogy one after the other. I read the third book with some delay and it took me a bit to remember all the nuances of the first two books as Cabot did not really re-introduce the story.

Would I read this book again? 

For me, the true judge of a book is whether or not I would read a book again, in the case of the entire Abandon trilogy the answer is Heck Yes! I love everything about the series as well as how well Meg Cabot writes to her teen audience. 

Next up on my reading list: Promote Yourself by Dan Schawbel

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